Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Czech sights at My Places

Back from Czech Republic, I have posted our pics taken in Cesky Krumlov, Ceske Budejovice and Trebon. Each of these small towns are worth a couple of hours, and once You are there, do not skip a walk our cycle journey in the Sumava National Park.

On My Places, the "Czech Republic" link has been completed with the now visited cities, while the "Trekking paths" link contains a GPS-tracklog and a georeferred map tile of our walk in the Sumava forest

Friday, May 25, 2007

Jordan pics and map on My Places

Yes, we have been there, back in 2003. For Central European people like us (my wife and me), Middle East is a mysterious area, basically deviating from the places we are used to. Check out the map of Jordan, see our pictures taken there

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Corsica link alive!

Exactly one month since the last post, I am glad to announce that the My Places portal is updated again! Having scanned some dozens of old slides, now the Corsica link is alive, showing map-based infobase and a photo gallery of our trip on this marvellous island. Give it a try now!

What's next? The A:L:P summit log is being reconstructed to give the reader even more useful info. Parallely, the file size is to be reduced so that browsing becomes faster. To be announced soon...